Based on our company philosophy, “Be a bright company that contributes to society with wisdom, creativity, and dream”, we have been developing products, working on services to deliver safety and peace of mind, addressing environmental issues, and contributing to the society.
We continue these activities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.


Our products to deliver “Security and Safety”
We provide products and services to protect people's assets, information, and infrastructure from threats such as disasters and crimes, and to realize a safe and secure society.
Security Gates Key Management System Detection Systems
We aim to create a safe and secure society by providing security systems that protect against risks such as intrusions by outsiders, fraudulent acts by insiders, and indiscriminate terrorist attacks.
Vaults and Safes
Leveraging the technologies developed over our 120-year history, we offer products to protect your “Valuables” from various threats, including theft, destruction, and natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and floods.
Environmental issues

We manufacture products and conduct business activities that are environmentally friendly.

Waste reduction

We provide long-lasting products that contribute to waste reduction, efficient use of natural resources, and minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

Hazardous chemical reduction

In order to reduce the use and emission of hazardous substances, we use materials and parts that have a low environmental impact in our products and manufacturing processes.

Energy conservation

We contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency by reducing energy consumption and using clean energy in our business activities, and developing products that take energy saving into consideration.

Social contribution

We contribute to society through educational and cultural activities with the hope that everyone can have equal access to quality education.

Kumahira scholarship and cultural foundation

We provide non-repayable scholarships to international and Japanese students, ensuring they can study in a financially stable environment.


Since vault equipment cannot be easily replaced, for many years, Kumahira has placed importance on quality and durability in its manufacturing of products. To date, we have stayed true to our principles in our development of comprehensive security products. All of our products are made to convey our wishes that they be used and valued by customers for a long time. In addition to assuming that parts may need to be replaced in the product design stage and retaining compatibility when improving products, we continue to offer meticulous after-sales service after the launch of a product to ensure that customers feel secure about using our products for a long time.
Through manufacturing and a support system based on this long-life philosophy, Kumahira will continue to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society.