


While Retaining the Design of UG, UGS Achieves A Depth of 980 mm.

UG, the flagship model of security gates, is known for its high design quality. UGS maintains the design essence of UG while introducing a more compact size with a depth of 980 mm to meet the diverse demands of a wide range of installations. This allows for the creation of a secure environment even in small places that were previously challenging for gate installation.


Modern Beauty Born from Unadorned Simplicity

UGS achieves a linear and open design with a glass-based theme, minimizing shape, material, and color. It harmoniously integrates with building entrances without disrupting the spatial expression. This product was awarded the Good Design Award in 2019.

Safe and Transparent Flap-panels

To prioritize user safety, the acrylic flap-panels are colored in a coloring similar to glass. The transparent material and the fast yet quiet opening and closing motion does not impose stress, strain, or psychological pressure on its passers.

Compact Design with A Depth of 980 mm

The thorough compact design has allowed for a reduction in body size, achieving a depth of 980 mm. In the case of a standard passage width, a single-side drive and single-side flap-panel configuration has been implemented, enabling not only space savings but also a reduction in installation costs.


Choice of Flap-panel Colors

We offer two types of flap-panels to match the design of the installation location: Glass-colored flap-panels exude a sense of luxury, while the Clear flap-panels allow decoration with optional LEDs.

Flap-panel Length (Standard Aisle Only)

In the case of the standard passage width (600 mm), length can be selected from long (520 mm) and short (410 mm). The long flap-panels have a structure that makes it less likely for someone to slip through compared to the short flap-panels when closed. However, please note that when the flap-panel is open, it protrudes from the gate body. Choose according to your specific needs.

Flap-panel LED (Option)

Illuminate the clear flap-panels with blue and red LED lighting. By lighting up or flashing in sync with the flap-panels' opening motions and gate status, visual clarity will be enhanced and become a decorative appeal.

LED Footlight (Option)

Illuminate the area beneath the gate (inside the passage) with blue and red LED lighting. Similar to the flap-panel LED, this improves visual clarity and decorative appeal by lighting up or flashing in sync with flap-panels' opening motions and gate status.


Diverse Layout Options

Standard aisle (passage width 600 mm to 650 mm) and Wide aisle, an aisle width suitable for wheelchair or cart passage (passage width 900 mm to 950 mm), can be combined. This flexibility allows for a variety of gate layouts to suit different installation locations and needs