


Expanding Usage Scenarios with Flap-panel Variations

We have prepared three flap-panel variations, each featuring design, safety, and ease of use, for the compact enclosure with streamlined functionality. Whether for unmanned payment store entrances, automated infection control measures, or the staffing reduction in ticketing operations, you can choose the type that suits your needs in various situations.


Variety of Compact Flap-panel Options

We offer three types of flap-panels: Acrylic flap-panel, urethane flap-panel, and flap-panel-less. The acrylic flap-panel, designed to avoid blocking the line of sight and minimize the sense of confinement, and the urethane flap-panel, made from a flexible material with an emphasis on safety, both have a compact height of approximately 250mm. For a more convenient security solution, we also provide the flap-panel-less type, which functions as a sensor gate, offering an open and slim design.

Enhanced Safety in Body Design

With safety in mind to ensure peace of mind for all users, the corners of the main body have been rounded. The simple design, utilizing stainless steel, quietly, gently, and comfortably watches over users.


Access Indication (Option)

By adding optional LED indication for aisle guidance, you can enhance subtly, visibility in a stylish manner.

Flap-panel LED (Option, Compatible with Acrylic Flap-panel Only)

Illuminate the flap-panel with blue and red LED lights. The LEDs light up or flash in sync with the gate's opening and status, enhancing visual clarity and decorative appeal.


Diverse Layout Options

The aisle width offers a combination of standard aisle (basic width 600mm) and wide aisle (basic width 900mm) for wheelchair and cart access. This flexibility allows for a variety of layouts to be installed based on the location and specific requirements.